
Showing posts from October, 2017

Why I Never Finished Phantom Hourglass

Hello and welcome once again to Hyrulez! Since last time I spoke about one of my favorite Zelda games, I think, unfortunately,it is time to talk about my least favorite Legend of Zelda game. I am, of course ( it's in the title) talking about Phantom Hourglass. And to think it all started so well. I will be honest, I played this some time ago so I can't guarantee everything I say is 100% valid, but what is valid is that I never finished the game. Now not finishing a game doesn't always mean the game itself is bad, but unfortunately for Hourglass, critics agree with me, the game isn't all that great. I do appreciate what the game does well. It makes varied and interesting use of the DS' capabilities, namely the touchscreen and duel display. Drawing notes and memos on the dungeon maps is a really nice touch, essential in some areas, and something I think the devs got right. I did like the atmosphere and theme, yet I do think perhaps Nintendo should have tried som