
Showing posts from September, 2017

Breath of the Wild's Divine Beasts-RANKED!- Worst to Best!

Before we jump in, I'd like to explain a few things. First off, it took much longer than I anticipated to get some Breath of the Wild content onto this blog, so I'd like to apologize for that. Secondly, and more relevant to the post itself, I entitled this a ranking of the Divine Beasts, rather than a ranking of the dungeons, since it's debated that Hyrule Castle is a dungeon in this game, but to avoid confusion, I'm sticking to the Beasts. Buutt, it must be said, Hyrule Castle is awesome in Breath of the Wild! And, finally, ( sorry about all this rubbish!) I am ranking the Beasts, not just on the actual content within them, but the journey to them as well.  Anyway, let's get to it! NUMBER FOUR-DIVINE BEAST VAH MEDOH You would be forgiven for feeling like the developers rushed this segment of the game, because I really did. Even Rito village, the area associated with Medoh, doesn't feel as fleshed out as it could be, and getting to the Beast is far too sim