Cooking Up My Perfect Zelda Game

From what I've heard about surviving in Breath of the Wild,a key part of it is cooking up healthy,stat boosting recipes with the game's much praised cooking mechanic.
Given that Nintendo won't be making the next Zelda any time soon, I thought I'd create my vision of the perfect Zelda game. Taking ingredients from other games and combining it with splashes of new, exotic foodstuffs, my aim is to cook up a Zelda game perfect for me!Let's get started.

cooking with Link

The meat of any great Zelda game should be the dungeons. This is where all classic Zelda elements come into play. Puzzles,combat crafted into a perfectly complex space. Of course, Majora's Mask got away with four, as did BoTW. The latter did this by adding shrines, extra-mini dungeons of sorts. However, my perfect Zelda wouldn't have these. If I'm having dungeons in my game, they need to be the real deal, the whole meaty affair. That isn't to say I would mind only four dungeons, in fact I wouldn't mind the next Zelda game being a case of dungeon in the south,north,east and west of the map, à la Majora's Mask. Just have them be more developed than the Divine Beasts or the shrines.

Meat is nothing without being seasoned by a good dollop of Story Sauce. Sure, story has never been super original in the franchise (oh no a bad guy has/wants/controls the Princess/damsel in distress)but it is important. After all, Link needs to know what he's fighting for. For me, I'd like a story set in Termina, which was also the setting for Majora's Mask. I feel like it is a place Nintendo should really revisit. A story utilizing masks that give you certain abilities could be interesting, as well as some sort of villain who wants to use the masks for his own, nefarious needs. I also think that blending the story with the setting itself would be good, like in Majora's Mask where the areas change after the boss there has been defeated. All in all though, I really don't mind too much about the story, as long as it provides a good villain, solid and clever game mechanics, and a unique setting.

As I look down at my bubbling broth, I do think something is missing. Music, we need some good music. I can only speak speculatively, having not played it myself, but I have heard that Breath of the Wild marked a different approach to the soundtrack. Memorable area-based themes have been replaced with ambient, tinkly piano tunes. Given BoTW's open air, natural theme, it makes sense, but for my perfect Zelda game, I want Ocarina of Time's epic, sweeping theme-tunes, dramatic boss tunes, expertly crafted dungeon themes! I want music that says HERE I AM, boom, crash bash. Ambient is fine, but for this new epic Zelda game, I need the sparkling new, epic music to match.

My broth is almost ready, but to top it all off, I want a good helping of items. The Hookshot, iron boots, magnetic gloves, I want these in my Zelda game. The Legend of Zelda has always prided itself on its wide arsenal of items, and I want these back for the dish I'm crafting. Given that I want my new Zelda to be open-ended and free, similar to BoTW, it might be difficult to implement these items fairly, which is why I don't want my game to be quite as open as BoTW. Maybe certain criteria must be met to open up particular areas, but this criteria can still be met in any manner you'd like.

To top it all off, the cherry on top ( a slightly strange choice on a meaty broth, but go with it), is that classic Zelda charm. And there we have it, a delicious dish served up and ready to eat.
Now, let's hope that whatever Nintendo throws our way in the next few years, is just as easy to swallow. 


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