Welcome to Hyrulez!

Hello there! I suppose it has become tradition for me to begin a new blog with a welcome post. I won't divulge the true number of failed blogs I have created up until this point... ( pssst, it's a lot), but let's just say it has been a journey. 
So why is this blog different?

I like the Legend of  Zelda. Like, a lot. So, I'm hoping, if you like the franchise too, you might be able to find something that interests you here! I don't know why I didn't start this sooner, combining two of my favorite things, the Legend of Zelda video game series, and writing, it makes sense! 
So why should you stick this around?

At this point I can't give you a solid schedule or plan, but let's just say this is my place for everything Zelda. Stray thoughts, theories, they'll all be on here. I am hoping to get an online blog journal out for Breath of the Wild, when my Switch finally comes in (hopefully) a months time. Anyhow, in the meantime, I'll fill this blog with stories of my time with the various games, criticisms and praise, as well as Zelda themed top ten/top five lists. 

I'll make it clear that I'm writing this for fans of the franchise. If you aren't familiar with it, then A) I'm not sure what you are doing here, and B) some of the stuff I say may go over your head. I'll presume you know what I'm talking about. Although, sometimes (editors note: a lot of the time) I don't know what I'm talking about at all, in which case, if you spot a mistake or disagree with my opinion, don't hesitate to drop a comment. I'm hoping to build a community of fans like myself, so interaction is important for me!

All that said, I think I'm ready to finish up. In tradition, these welcome posts have to stay short and sweet. So, I'll let you get on with the rest of your day/evening/night ( why aren't you sleeping?!), doing whatever it is you happen to do. Keep an eye out for upcoming posts, and get ready to jump into the Kingdom of Hyrulez!


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